The king of gems
Greenland Ruby
Rubies bring happiness, luck, love and strength

The Greenland Ruby
In 1966, geologist Martin Ghisler found the first Greenlandic rubies.
Ever since, it has been one of the world's most sought-after gemstones.
The rubies are extracted from one of the oldest rock formations, dating back approx. 3 billion years left.
It is located in the Greenlandic town of Aappaluttoq, where Greenland Ruby now produces the most beautiful rubies.
The ruby's red color is naturally associated with the color passion, power and love. It radiates warmth, strength and vitality.
The ruby is considered the "king" of gemstones. For more than a thousand years, the ruby has been considered one of the most valuable gemstones due to its rarity and quality.
The ruby inspired creativity, wisdom and love.
TuaMea is, as one of the few, incredibly privileged to be able to offer jewelery with rubies from Greenland.
The drop of friendship from TuaMea is our first piece of jewelry created with a Greenland ruby. The friendship drop will bring happiness, luck, love and strength.